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Brick Pressure Washing

How to Pressure Wash Brick

For generations, brick has remained a popular choice of home builders and home owners because of its rich, classic look. But just like any home building material brick will accumulate some combination of dirt, mold, and mildew that eventually need to be cleaned. Fortunately, pressure washing brick is not only easy but it garners the best results.

  1. Wet the Brick – It is important to soak the surface of your house before applying any cleaning agents and detergents as it will prepare the brick for cleaning. Spray from the bottom of your house to the top to prevent streaking. Make sure windows are rinsed as well.
  2. Apply Detergent – Choosing the best cleaning agent is important in getting the brick to look new again. Just like you wouldn’t wash your car with a degreaser, you wouldn’t want to wash your house with the wrong chemicals.
  3. Brush the Tough – For areas that have a high accumulation of mold and mildew you may want to take a soft tip scrub brush and scrub the areas. While this is not always mandatory you have to allow the detergent to sit for 5-10 minutes anyway so you have some time.
  4. Pressure Wash – So this is where it gets a little tricky. If you are just trying to get the bricks clean and not the mortar you may not have to use pressure washer. With that using a pressure washer on brick surfaces will yield the best results. If you have a two story house you will need extension poles or a ladder, which is why most homeowners will call in professionals.
  5. Rinse Clean – The final step is rinsing from the top down making sure no cleaning agents remain on any part of the surface of the home.

Before & After Pictures

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When Pressure Washing Brick…

There are a few things to keep in mind when pressure washing brick surfaces. Always wear eye and ear protection as brick can sometime become brittle over time. Always stand on stable surfaces in which you have good balance and solid footing. This includes making sure a ladder is on level ground. Make sure you wet any nearby vegetation before applying cleaning agents and cover them with tarps if necessary. When using a gas-powered power washer never use indoors or in an area that does not have proper ventilation. When using an electric-powered power washer (which we do not suggest) make sure connections are dry and not touching the ground.

J&J Power Wash offers residential and commercial brick pressure washing services. No matter how dirty your bricks are we can help. To set up a free estimate call us 215-703-8306 or fill out our online form. Click on the images below to enlarge them or visit our portfolio page for additional before and after pictures.

Serving the Greater Philadelphia and South Jersey Areas